Getting to you know you – a mixer for the ACFW Conference

Name: David Rawlings

Location: Adelaide, South Australia

What you write/tagline/trademark: Pen in hand, tongue in cheek, writing contemporary Christian stories that explore God, 21st century church and our modern society.

Place in the book world: Finalist in Genesis this year, self-published twice in non-fiction, been a copywriter for 25 years and a reader for even longer!

On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: I’m Australian and a male, so I’m probably closer to the pole than a hug.  But feel free to call me ‘mate’.

Something VERY serious: How do you take your Starbucks? Not at all, based on all the advice I’ve had on American coffee!!

The unique talking points that will get you going for hours: Sport, music (hey, we’ll be in Nashville), sustainability (we grow our own food when we can) and writing.

Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My wife, 14-year-son and twin girls aged 12 and going on 25.

Conference goals we can pray for? For connections.  I’m coming a long way and the cost is significant for our family, but we’ve prayed about it and believe it’s something God is leading me to do.  In fact, there’s a story behind the doors God has opened, to the point where He’s just showing off now.  I can tell you in Nashville once I’ve finished talking for hours about sport … if you’re still sitting there by then.

Anything we can celebrate with you? Being a finalist in Genesis is a good start!

One or two ways we can help you build your platform? Liking my blog would be a great – as would liking me on Facebook or following me in the Twitterverse, if that’s your thing.

4 Replies to “Getting to you know you – a mixer for the ACFW Conference”

  1. I say this only slightly tongue in cheek…you’ll find plenty of people to talk to ;). One friend and I asked an Aussie friend just to talk about anything for 15 flights in the elevator :D. Y’all have the best accents!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. God tends to show off a lot at this conference! You’ll have so much fun, especially being a finalist. I got to wear the finalist ribbon twice. It’s a huge honor, and people respect it!


  3. Hi “mate”!! Congratulations on being a Genesis finalist! Woohoo! I have a 14 year old son, too!


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